Cultivate Fundamentals

Lay your foundations for mission success

Start building your peak performance toolkit

This course was born out of 20 years supporting highly motivated individuals and teams at all levels in startup’s, SME’s and Large Enterprises. 5 key-skills repeatedly emerged as chronically and systemically underdeveloped. This course has been designed as a stepping stone to address this, and enable anyone to embed and exhibit the behaviours of high performers, as these 5 key-skills create the foundation for peak performance, therefore are mission critical for any endeavour.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills for Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499

You will learn to…

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Think Strategically

Think strategically through advanced problem solving, convert aspiration to action and aim for mission success.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Influence Stakeholders

Influence others by building a compelling story to convey relevance  and benefits to your audience.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Communicate Succinctly

Communicate succinctly by leveraging how you, your peers, direct reports & line managers process information.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Feedback Meaningfully

How to feedback meaningfully by constructing and converting evidence based data into actionable next steps.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Navigate Conflict

Navigate conflict by diagnosing an individuals subconscious motivation to display counter-productive behaviour.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals

Bring these 5 skills together to build a life-long life-skills toolkit you can deploy for any endeavour at any time.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills for Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499


  • If you are a highly motivated individual, open to having your thinking challenged, and experiencing confusion, frustration, even anxiety when repeatedly trying to overcome a barrier to your goals, then yes this course is for you.

  • You bring the problem that needs solved and step by step the course framework will show you how to interrogate the information your have, identify whats missing, how to find whats missing, filter out everything irrelevant, organise everything relevant and reveal your solution.

  • Thats entirely up to you. The problem you are attempting to solve also has a say. The course comes in a bite-size learning format. You are exposed to a short-burst of information and challenged to use that information to solve an aspect of your problem. This cycle repeats at each step of the course to create a layering effect until you have your solution.

Meet your teacher

Kenny Wallace

I’ve spent the last 20 years applying the peak performance principles I learned as a Civil Engineer, Paratrooper, Army Physical Training Instructor, and Corporate Troubleshooter to support everyone from team leaders to CXOs, athletes to sports teams and startups to large enterprises. Now it’s your turn...

You’ll finish this course…

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Focussed

Focussed, as you will have mapped out a clear direction for your specific endeavour, having filled all the gaps.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Confident

Confident, as you will have tested your thinking to overcome your glass ceiling with superior decision making.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Motivated

Motivated, as each of the 5 modules ended with the nexts steps you created and committed to implement.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills for Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.


Cultivate Fundamentals

Lay the foundations for mission success

Building your peak performance toolkit

This course was born out of 20 years supporting highly motivated individuals and teams at all levels in startup’s, SME’s and Large Enterprises. 5 key-skills repeatedly emerged as chronically and systemically underdeveloped. This course has been designed as a stepping stone to address this, and enable anyone to embed and exhibit the behaviours of high performers, as these 5 key-skills create the foundation for peak performance, therefore are mission critical for any endeavour.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Build Proficiency

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills of Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499

You’ll learn to…

  • Through advanced problem solving, convert aspiration to action and aim for mission success.

  • By building a compelling story to convey relevance  and benefits to your audience.

  • Communicate succinctly by leveraging how you, your peers, direct reports & line managers process information.

  • By constructing and converting evidence based data into actionable next steps.

  • By diagnosing an individuals subconscious motivation to display counter-productive behaviour.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Build Proficiency

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills of Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499


  • If you are a highly motivated individual, open to having your thinking challenged, and experiencing confusion, frustration, even anxiety when repeatedly trying to overcome a barrier to your goals, then yes this course is for you.

  • You bring the problem that needs solved and step by step the course framework will show you how to interrogate the information your have, identify whats missing, how to find whats missing, filter out everything irrelevant, organise everything relevant and reveal your solution.

  • Thats entirely up to you. The problem you are attempting to solve also has a say. The course comes in a bite-size learning format. You are exposed to a short-burst of information and challenged to use that information to solve an aspect of your problem. This cycle repeats at each step of the course to create a layering effect until you have your solution.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Build Proficiency

Meet your teacher

Kenny Wallace

I’ve spent the last 20 years applying the peak performance principles I learned as a Civil Engineer, Paratrooper, Army Physical Training Instructor, and Corporate Troubleshooter to support everyone from team leaders to CXOs, athletes to sports teams and startups to large enterprises. Now it’s your turn...

You’ll finish this course…

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Focussed

Focussed, as you will have mapped out a clear direction for your specific endeavour, having filled all the gaps.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Confident

Confident, as you will have tested your thinking to overcome your glass ceiling with superior decision making.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Cultivate Fundamentals | Motivated

Motivated, as each of the 5 modules ended with the nexts steps you created and committed to implement.

Kenny Wallace | Unlock Peak Performance | Performance Psychology | Online Courses | Build Proficiency

Cultivate Fundamentals

Core skills of Peak Performance

Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.

Life-long life-skills for only £499

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.