On-Demand Courses for Highly Motivated Individuals & Teams
Learn at your own pace to develop your performance potential
Your path to peak performance and mission success
I’ve designed three courses, each made up of several modules, as progressive stepping stones to equip you with lifelong tools to break through your glass ceiling and guide you step by step toward mission readiness for your chosen endeavour. To realise the benefits, you’ll apply course concepts to a personal real-life challenge, ending each module with actionable next steps to implement.
Every module includes a pre- and post-learning self-assessment, which you are expected to regularly revisit to reinforce your skills, refine solutions, tackle new problems, and build a personal feedback loop & progress library. Just as your body requires consistent training for physiological adaptations, your mind also requires consistent training for psychological adaptions.
Welcome to your virtual mind gym, especially if you are:
New team leader to CXO struggling to articulate to, and organise, a team of people around a common goal.
Amateur to professional athlete or coach seeking new ways to approach skill development and competition preparation.
Parent to partner to friend where you have sense that not everyone is on the same page, causing friction.
Cultivate Fundamentals
Core skills for Peak Performance
Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.
Build Proficiency
Intermediate skills for Peak Performance
Model and adopt the thinking, skills and behaviours of high performers, who excel in their field, so you can excel in yours. A framework to acquire any skill.
Pursue Mastery
Advanced skills for Peak Performance
Manage your state and remain calm in chaos. Learn what emotions are, how we create them and how to interpret & leverage them in high stress situations.
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.
“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it”
Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate
Stay ahead of the curve
35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO
Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company
Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover
100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process
36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months
15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months
50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million
Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs
Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs

On-Demand Courses for Highly Motivated Individuals & Teams
Learn at your own pace to unlock your performance potential
Your path to peak performance
I’ve designed three courses, each made up of several modules, as progressive stepping stones to equip you with lifelong tools to break through your glass ceiling and guide you step by step toward mission readiness for your chosen endeavour. To realise the benefits, you’ll apply course concepts to a personal real-life challenge, ending each module with actionable next steps to implement.
Every module includes a pre- and post-learning self-assessment, which you are expected to regularly revisit to reinforce your skills, refine solutions, tackle new problems, and build a personal feedback loop & progress library. Just as your body requires consistent training for physiological adaptations, your mind also requires consistent training for psychological adaptions.
Welcome to your virtual mind gym, especially if you are:
New team leader to CXO struggling to articulate to, and organise, a team of people around a common goal.
Amateur to professional athlete or coach seeking new ways to approach skill development and competition preparation.
Parent to partner to friend where you have sense that not everyone is on the same page, causing friction.
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.
“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it”
Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate
Stay ahead of the curve
Notable outcomes
35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO
Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company
Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover
100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process
36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months
15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months
50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million
Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs
Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs