Navigate the Athlete’s Glass Ceiling

Athletes & Sports Teams seeking a competitive advantage

Glass Ceiling

Typically a professional athlete was previously high performing amateur athlete, required to level up, either as an individual in a standalone sport or as a team member in a team sport. They are relentless and remorseless in their pursuit of excellence, as is their rivals. Achieving excellence in their discipline is measured objectively in training and competition through times, points and/or podiums.

To do so they invest heavily in training; strength & conditioning, movement analysis, skills drills, injury prevention, recovery and dietetics, all timetabled to test progress during training, at milestone events and to peak for specific events in any given year.

However, it’s most likely they have overlooked training to improve psychological performance concurrently with physiological performance; Visualisation of victory, anchor armour, focus during fatigue, decision error debrief and many other tools that can significantly reduce, even prevent, the domino effect of off & on field decision error cascades, particularly in team sports.

The absence of purposefully-practised performance psychology strategies and tactics that generates new-ways of thinking, therefore new-ways or working ensures the much needed competitive advantage of step-changes and/or marginal-gains to best a nearest or never-before-beaten rival remain elusive.

This follows The Peter Principle, represented below: Athletes progress based on their success in training and previous events until they reach a level at which they can no longer remain competitive, as the training strategies leveraged to attain success in one season may be obsolete by next season.

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.

Mission Ready

Ideally, a professional athlete has cultivated habits that ensure psychological and physiological development go hand in hand to best ensure they fulfil their off & on field performance goals throughout the year. Through the application of evidence based decision making in both physiological and psychological performance domains they can work diligently to make any necessary adjustments to concurrently manage their physiological and psychological states, increasing the likelihood of individually and/or collectively delivering peak performance in high stress contexts. My job is to nudge you and/or your team mates through your glass ceilings in lock-step with your skills and conditioning coaches from how it is to how it should be.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit”

Aristotle - Greek Philosopher & Polymath, 384-322 B.C.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Work with me

Work with me

Would you, your team or organisation benefit from an objective perspective to catch your blindspots?

I work exclusively with highly motivated individuals and teams who’ve hit a glass ceiling, are aware they’ve hit a glass ceiling and unable to move forward. If this describes your situation then lets discuss your options.

“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it”

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate

Stay ahead of the curve


  • 35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO

  • Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company

  • Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover


  • 100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process

  • 36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months

  • 15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months


  • 50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million

  • Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs

  • Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs


Navigate the Athlete’s Glass Ceiling

Athlete’s & Sports Teams seeking a competitive advantage

Glass Ceiling

Typically a professional athlete was previously high performing amateur athlete, required to level up, either as an individual in a standalone sport or as a team member in a team sport. They are relentless and remorseless in their pursuit of excellence, as is their rivals. Achieving excellence in their discipline is measured objectively in training and competition through times, points and/or podiums.

To do so they invest heavily in training; strength & conditioning, movement analysis, skills drills, injury prevention, recovery and dietetics, all timetabled to test progress during training, at milestone events and to peak for specific events in any given year.

However, it’s most likely they have overlooked training to improve psychological performance concurrently with physiological performance; Visualisation of victory, anchor armour, focus during fatigue, decision error debrief and many other tools that can significantly reduce, even prevent, the domino effect of off & on field decision error cascades, particularly in team sports.

The absence of purposefully-practised performance psychology strategies and tactics that generates new-ways of thinking, therefore new-ways or working ensures the much needed competitive advantage of step-changes and/or marginal-gains to best a nearest or never-before-beaten rival remain elusive.

This follows The Peter Principle, represented below: Athletes progress based on their success in training and previous events until they reach a level at which they can no longer remain competitive, as the training strategies leveraged to attain success in one season may be obsolete by next season.

Source: Based on Laurence J. Peter 1969

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.

Mission Ready

Ideally, a professional athlete has cultivated habits that ensure psychological and physiological development go hand in hand to best ensure they fulfil their off & on field performance goals throughout the year. Through the application of evidence based decision making in both physiological and psychological performance domains they can work diligently to make any necessary adjustments to concurrently manage their physiological and psychological states, increasing the likelihood of individually and/or collectively delivering peak performance in high stress contexts. My job is to nudge you and/or your team mates through your glass ceilings in lock-step with your skills and conditioning coaches from how it is to how it should be.

Source: Based on Massimini, Csíkszentmihályi & Carli 1987 and Kenny Wallace 2024

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit”

Aristotle - Greek Philosopher & Polymath, 384-322 B.C.

Work with me

Would you, your team or organisation benefit from an objective perspective to catch your blindspots?

I work exclusively with highly motivated individuals and teams who’ve hit a glass ceiling, are aware they’ve hit a glass ceiling and unable to move forward. If this describes your situation then lets discuss your options.

“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it”

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate

Stay ahead of the curve

Notable outcomes

  • 35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO

    Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company

    Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover

  • 100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process

    36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months

    15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months

  • 50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million

    Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs

    Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs