Master Fundamentals
Lay your foundations for mission success
Start building your peak performance toolkit
Master fundamentals course
Regardless of whether you are a team leader, middle manager or CXO trying to organise and revitalise a stagnant team or board, an athlete, coach or manager seeking a competitive sporting advantage, a start-up thats plateaued or large enterprise struggling to execute an organisational transformation, the principles of individual and collective peak performance stay the same. My courses are designed to provide a life-long toolkit based on these principles, which you can apply to overcome a glass ceiling any endeavour.
Yup, even if you’re stressed over what to say, show, or sell. In this course, you’ll learn about all the content options inside Squarespace, and the important steps to take before you launch. With PDF guides and checklists included, you’ll know what to do when.
Uh-huh, even if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy or you feel like you’re too far behind other’s skill levels to tackle something this new. This course will make sure you can confidently create a new website that is worth bragging about.
And ohhh yeah, especially if you’ve given Squarespace a try on your own, and the program seemed so complicated, you broke out in a cold sweat. (Look, You’re not supposed to be an expert right out of the gate – that’s my job – let me show you the ropes!)
Cultivate Fundamentals
Core skills of Peak Performance
Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.
Life-long life-skills for only £499
You’ll finish this course…
Focussed, as you will have mapped out a clear direction for your specific endeavour, having filled all the gaps.
Confident, as you will have tested your thinking to overcome your glass ceiling with enhanced decision making.
Motivated, as each of the 5 modules ends with the nexts steps you created to enact, unique to your endeavour.
Cultivate Fundamentals
Core skills of Peak Performance
Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.
Life-long life-skills for only £499
You will learn to…
Think strategically through advanced problem solving, convert aspiration to action and aim for mission success.
Influence others by building a compelling story to convey relevance and benefits to your audience.
Communicate succinctly by leveraging how you, your peers, direct reports & line managers process information.
How to feedback meaningfully by constructing and converting evidence based data into actionable next steps.
Navigate conflict by diagnosing an individuals subconscious motivation to display counter-productive behaviour.
Bring these 5 skills together to build a life-long life-skills toolkit you can deploy for any endeavour at any time.
Meet your Coach
Kenny Wallace
I’ve spent the last 20 years applying the peak performance principles I learned as a Civil Engineer, Paratrooper, Army Physical Training Instructor, and Corporate Troubleshooter to support everyone from team leaders to CXOs, athletes to sports teams and startups to large enterprises. Now it’s your turn...
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Cultivate Fundamentals
Core skills for Peak Performance
Convert your aspiration to action by learning to strategise, influence, communicate, review, and navigate conflict, efficiently & effectively, taking other with you.
Life-long life-skills for only £499
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.

Master Fundamentals
Lay the foundations for mission success
Start building your peak performance toolkit
Regardless of whether you are a team leader, middle manager or CXO trying to organise and revitalise a stagnant team or board, an athlete, coach or manager seeking a competitive sporting advantage, a start-up thats plateaued or large enterprise struggling to execute an organisational transformation, the principles of individual and collective peak performance stay the same. My courses are designed to provide a life-long toolkit based on these principles, which you can apply to overcome a glass ceiling any endeavour.
Master Fundamentals
Develop the core skills of Peak Performance
Learn to strategise, influence, communicate and review efficiently and effectively with yourself & others to best ensure mission success.
Life-long life-skills for only £500
You’ll finish this course…
As you will have mapped out a clear direction for your specific endeavour, having filled all the gaps.
As you will have tested your thinking to overcome your glass ceiling with enhanced decision making.
As each of the 5 modules ends with the nexts steps you created to enact, unique to your endeavour.
Master Fundamentals
Develop the core skills of Peak Performance
Learn to strategise, influence, communicate and review efficiently and effectively with yourself & others to best ensure mission success.
Life-long life-skills for only £500
You will learn to…
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Item description
Meet your Coach
Kenny Wallace
I’ve spent the last 20 years applying the peak performance principles I learned as a Civil Engineer, Paratrooper, Army Physical Training Instructor, and Corporate Troubleshooter to support everyone from team leaders to CXOs, athletes to sports teams and startups to large enterprises. Now it’s your turn...
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Master Fundamentals
Develop the core skills of Peak Performance
Learn to strategise, influence, communicate and review efficiently and effectively with yourself & others to best ensure mission success.
Life-long life-skills for only £500
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Archilochus - Greek Philosopher & Poet, 680-645 B.C.