For team leaders to CXO’s, athletes to sports teams and start-ups to large enterprises

Everything you need to unlock your Performance Potential

Are you mission ready?

Regardless of whether you are a team leader, middle manager or CXO trying to organise and revitalise a stagnant team or board, an athlete, coach or manager seeking a competitive sporting advantage, a start-up thats plateaued or large enterprise struggling to execute an organisational transformation, the principles of individual and collective peak performance stay the same. New ways of thinking create new ways of working, and new ways of working create new of ways of unlocking superior outcomes.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Performance People Process | Venn Diagram

“Ultimately strategies boil down to managing change. Kenny rapidly understands the situation and challenges many of the assumptions leaders base their decisions on. I have found this to be invaluable when developing, executing or supporting new initiatives and strategies.”

Asif Moghal - Director of Design & Manufacturing, Market and Industry Development, Autodesk

Why does mission readiness matter?

The model below is based on the work of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, a Physiocrat & Economist who discovered the Law of Diminishing Returns in 1767 while studying the economics of land agriculture. Along with Adam Smith, Economist & Philosopher, and several other notable economists, they collectively created the foundation for the academic field of study: Economics.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | The Law of Diminishing Returns Anne Robert Jacques Turgot 1767

The model demonstrates the greater the level of success pursued the closer to peak performance you must become, not only that the closer you get to peak performance the more effort you must employ to attain ever decreasing returns. If you employ enough effort to exceed the point of maximum yield performance will decrease, hence the cliché work smarter, not harder, and these principles apply to any endeavour. My aim is to provide you with a life-long life-skill toolkit to be mission ready for your chosen endeavours.

Where will I realise the benefits?

Large Building | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

At work personally and in your team’s performance demonstrated in superior collaboration, decisions & outcomes.

Rugby Ball | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

In sport through skill development having learned how to identify step-changes & marginal-gains.

House | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

At home in familial and social circles through improved relationships as you will better understand each person.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Case Studies Desktop

Case Studies

Why do individuals, teams and organisations perform the way they do, for better or worse?

To understand why, I use academic behavioural models to deconstruct scenarios from previous projects, from managing narcissists & psychopaths to systemic incompetence & organisational transformations.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Podcast Desktop


Do you want to learn how ultra-high performing individuals and teams do what they do?

Wisdom from elite soldiers, top-tier executives and world-class athletes create an insider's guide to mission readiness and mission success, ideal for those seeking profound insights to shatter their glass ceilings.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Consulting Desktop


Do you, your team or organisation need to do something different to achieve mission success?

From team leaders to CXO’s, athletes to sports teams, start-up to large enterprise, you will develop new ways of thinking therefore new ways of working that provide the tools you’ll need for mission success.

“Kenny is a turnaround specialist. In a very straightforward, direct and non-judgemental way, he helps individuals understand their own behaviours first and then how they work with and relate to others. And he does it so fast. After one day working with Kenny I had a complete mindset shift. It was life changing.”

Amanda Treend - Chief Marketing Officer

Stay ahead of the curve


  • 35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO

  • Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover

  • Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company


  • 100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process

  • 36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months

  • 15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months


  • 50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million

  • Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs

  • Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs


Everything you need to unlock your Performance Potential

For team leaders to CXO’s, athletes to sports teams and start-ups to large enterprises

Mission ready?

Regardless of whether you are a team leader, middle manager or CXO trying to organise and revitalise a stagnant team or board, an athlete, coach or manager seeking a competitive sporting advantage, a start-up thats plateaued or large enterprise struggling to execute an organisational transformation, the principles of individual and collective peak performance stay the same. New ways of thinking create new ways of working, and new ways of working create new of ways of unlocking superior outcomes.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | Venn Diagram | Performance People Process Venn | Mobile

“Ultimately strategies boil down to managing change. Kenny rapidly understands the situation and challenges many of the assumptions leaders base their decisions on. I have found this to be invaluable when developing, executing or supporting new initiatives and strategies.”

Asif Moghal - Director of Design & Manufacturing, Market and Industry Development, Autodesk

Readiness matters?

The model below is based on the work of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, a Physiocrat & Economist who discovered the Law of Diminishing Returns in 1767 while studying the economics of land agriculture. Along with Adam Smith, Economist & Philosopher, and several other notable economists, they collectively created the foundation for the academic field of study: Economics.

Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance Unlocked | The Law of Diminishing Returns Anne Robert Jacques Turgot 1767

The model demonstrates the greater the level of success pursued the closer to peak performance you must become, not only that the closer you get to peak performance the more effort you must employ to attain ever decreasing returns. If you employ enough effort to exceed the point of maximum yield performance will decrease, hence the cliché work smarter, not harder, and these principles apply to any endeavour. My aim is to provide you with a life-long life-skill toolkit to be mission ready for your chosen endeavours.

Realise Benefits?

Large Building | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

At work personally and in your team’s performance demonstrated in superior collaboration, decisions & outcomes.

Rugby Ball | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

In sport through skill development having learned how to identify step-changes & marginal-gains.

House | Kenny Wallace | Peak Performance

At home in familial and social circles through improved relationships as you will better understand each person.

Case Studies

Why do individuals, teams and organisations perform the way they do, for better or worse?

To understand why, I use academic behavioural models to deconstruct scenarios from previous projects, from managing narcissists & psychopaths to systemic incompetence & organisational transformations.


Do you want to learn how ultra-high performing individuals and teams do what they do?

Wisdom from elite soldiers, top-tier executives and world class athletes create an insider's guide to mission readiness and mission success, ideal for those seeking profound insights to shatter their glass ceilings.


Do you, your team or organisation need to do something different to achieve mission success?

From team leaders to CXO’s, athletes to sports teams, start-up to large enterprise, you will develop new ways of thinking therefore new ways of working that provide the tools you’ll need for mission success.

“Kenny is a turnaround specialist. In a very straightforward, direct and non-judgemental way, he helps individuals understand their own behaviours first and then how they work with and relate to others. And he does it so fast. After one day working with Kenny I had a complete mindset shift. It was life changing.”

Amanda Treend - Chief Marketing Officer

Stay ahead of the curve

    • 35% growth in first 12 months of supporting tech company CEO

    • Finance function of 274 achieved World Class status, 0.7% turnover

    • Successful merger and acquisition of £1.2million turnover company

    • 100% staff retention during redundancy and off-shoring process

    • 36% sickness absence reduction across 300 staff in 9 months

    • 15% engagement flipped to 80% across 241 people in 12 months

    • 50% reduction in Shared Service Centre operating costs, £5million

    • Re-engineered operational strategy for life sciences company in 8hrs

    • Re-engineered Multi-£Million Invalid Deduction Finance process in 16 hrs