Science-based case studies on Peak Performance

Analysis of scenarios from past projects

Science-Based Case Studies on Peak Performance

Analysis of past projects

Strategy, Operations Kenny Wallace Strategy, Operations Kenny Wallace

How To Manage A Narcissist At Work

If you are confused by the underhanded behaviour of your line manager, a peer, a subordinate or a key stakeholder in another team then it's entirely possible you are dealing with a narcissist. Do not underestimate the damage someone with narcissistic traits can do. They will actively pursue project failure, misuse people, time and money, even put an entire organisation in genuine financial peril.

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Top 6, Strategy Kenny Wallace Top 6, Strategy Kenny Wallace

Narcissists, Sociopaths & Psychopaths: What’s the Difference?

The further up an organisational hierarchy you go the more likely you will encounter Narcissists, Sociopaths or Psychopaths. You may even have one or more in your social or familial circles. Regardless of where they sit in your life you will benefit from learning how to spot and manage them. You might find it surprising to know we can also learn a lot from them to improve our lives.

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“Kenny has a wealth of experience combined with a laser like analysis of the scenario. What I especially like is his listening skills. Kenny has helped me to get a focus on my business strategy and develop effective approaches for negotiating with clients.” 

Dr Matt Offord - Lecturer in Enhanced Learning & Teaching, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Stay ahead of the curve

“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate

“Kenny has a wealth of experience combined with a laser like analysis of the scenario. What I especially like is his listening skills. Kenny has helped me to get a focus on my business strategy and develop effective approaches for negotiating with clients.” 

Dr Matt Offord - Lecturer in Enhanced Learning & Teaching, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Stay ahead of the curve


“The world we created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist & Nobel Laureate